Modern Family is an American comedy series which debuted on ABC on September 23, 2009. Presented in mockumentary style, the fictional characters frequently talk directly into the camera. The program tells of Jay Pritchett, his second wife, their infant son and his stepson, and his two children and their families. Christopher Lloyd and Steven Levitan conceived the series while sharing stories of their own "modern families".
Modern Family Season 7 Episode 9 (White Christmas)
Modern Family is an American comedy series which debuted on ABC on September 23, 2009. Presented in mockumentary style, the fictional characters frequently talk directly into the camera. The program tells of Jay Pritchett, his second wife, their infant son and his stepson, and his two children and their families. Christopher Lloyd and Steven Levitan conceived the series while sharing stories of their own "modern families".
Modern Family Season 7 Episode 9 (White Christmas)
To Watc Modern Family Season 7 Episode 9 (White Christmas) : Play Now